Tuesday, November 12, 2013

News from New York

News from New York. President Nelson and I were in Houston Texas last week for the blessing of our new grandson--son of Scott, our son, and his wife Mandy (Scott and Mandy lived in New Jersey for six months when we were in NY--some of you may remember them). Afterwards, we went to a family dinner. Elder Gifford Nielsen of the Seventy, a friend of Mandy’s family, "happened" to drop by. He had just returned from New York. He had gone there to reorganize the Queens Stake Presidency. President Glass from the Astoria Ward was sustained as the new stake president, replacing President Duffy. President DeLeon and President Erazo (from Richmond Hill) were his counselors. Elder Nielsen said that there was standing room only, both the chapel and the cultural hall. He said that the missionary spirit was really strong—everybody could feel it.

The scriptures say that in the last day the gospel will fill the whole earth. The "whole earth" can also be found in Queens--there are over 120+ languages in Queens alone. The gospel will be carried to all people as well as people carried to the gospel. All of this happened in part 
because of your great work and dedication. Thank you! We love you.