Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hastening in Our Time

As President Nelson and I have different to get together with our missionaries, we are continually impressed with the love you have for your missions—namely the people of New York. It seems that they will be engraved on your hearts forever. Many make repeated trips to return to where they served to visit…. Many continue to be in constant contact through Facebook, Instagram and all other varieties of social media (we love tha fact that we can follow our missionaries through Facebook).
Elder Bednar. Recently we were visiting our daughter, Kristen, who had just attended BYU Campus Education week. She said heard a great talk given by Elder Bednar on social media and the impact it would have in spreading the gospel in our day. Elder Bednar stated that President David O. McKay prophecied of our dayof scientific discoveries that would stagger the imagination referring the social media of our day. He talked about how knocking doors and street contacting was the principle way of finding new people when he was on his mission (I always liked knocking doors in NY. You never knew who you would find on the other side). Elder Bednar stated, the world has changed and the very nature of missionary must change if the Lord is to accomplish His work of gathering Israel from the four corners of the earth.
 Pilot Program. As you all probably remember, after we finished our mission, the Church came out with a pilot  program— using social media. The NYSM was slected as one of the “testing grounds.” Every missionary was given their own Ipad and each companionship was given an Iphone. President Nelson and I were excited because of the great power that would be given to the missionaries for good yet apprehensive about the potential it would have for evil. These new missionary tools would have to managed with exactness at all times in order for missionaries to accomplish their purposes (there were actually some baptisms of family and friends that were a result of these devices).
Elder Bednar added that approximately 40 percent of our worldwide missionary force soon will be using digital devices. Facebook and YouTube both have over a billion average monthly users. Millions and millons more are using Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and other similar programs. Some of the brethren have their own Twitter accounts, including Elder Bednar. All have their own Facebook pages. Mission presidents are instructed to go on Facebook when they return home. These are powerful communication tools.
Forever. Elder Bednar stated. “Anything you communicate through a social media channel indeed will live forever—(even if the app or program may promise otherwise.) Only say it or post it if you want the entire world to have access to your message or picture for all time.” Continue your communications. Keep your messages and images meaningful, but high-minded. There will be an accountability to the Lord for how you choose to continue to teach “your New York people” who you know are following your every word. Every image and message is accompanied by your spirit.
A Flood Sweeping the EarthHe left us his blessings: "That you will come to a fuller understanding of living in this dispensation and that you will increase your capacity to use tools that we have to take the gospel to the whole earth." Imagine the impact we can have as hundreds of thousands and millions of members contribute in seemingly small ways to the rising floodwaters. May our many efforts produce a steady rainfall of righteousness and truth that gradually swells a multitude of streams and rivers—and ultimately becomes a flood that sweeps the earth. 
We love you. Your’re the best.
To Sweep the Earth as with a Flood by Elder David A. Bednar