Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Nelson Family Newsletter 2014

Family News Bill/Rick & Christine. We hope this letter finds you well. We’ve had another busy year, which included road trips, board meetings, teaching the Missionary Preparation class in the Stake (we love it), and  both working in Young Women and Young Men in the Ward. We’re even planning on trying out our scuba diving skills again in February—our 19th annual trip. The grandchild count is up to 30, going on 31 in January.
New Knee. Rick’s new knee is working well. He went to his doctor for the final check-up in November and passed with flying colors. Along with his previous ACL and shoulder replacements, he is well on his way to becoming a new man.
Recipe Book. Christine (incredibly) brought herself a COOK BOOK! It first came out in 1850 and sold 2,000,000 copies. Interestingly, the author actually had an aversion to the kitchen in general and cooking specifically, claiming that some foods were actually fatal. This theory coincided exactly with Christine’s feelings.
New York. We made it to New York this year—Manhattan. It brought back great memories. We had a pedometer which counted our steps and kept track of the distance we walked. Rick still jogs, so it was no big deal for him, but Christine was clocked walking over 40 miles in six days (remember her admonition—”If you ever see me walking, stop and pick me up—something has gone wrong”).
KID REPORT  (Unbelievably  for us, some of our “kids” are now in their 40’s.)
Ryan & Sarah (Salt Lake—4 kids). Sarah still runs, Ryan rides bikes, and  the kids play soccer and  basketball, dance, swim, and shop (Katie’s love). Anna and Tommy  were both awarded “Swimmer of the Week” the same week.
Jane (4 years), having just driven from California to Utah, and, contemplating the 6-hour trip to Redfish Lake, Idaho the next day, dropped her head and sighed, “I just can’t live like this any more.”
Brooke and Dan (Minnesota—5 kids). The highlight of their year was living in Switzerland and Germany for three months last summer. Dan was going to have to spend a lot of time there for his company (3M), so he smooth-talked them into letting him move there with his whole family for the summer. In her youth, Brooke served in the same area as a German-speaking Missionary, so it was a great opportunity for her. Ellie (16 years) is still the only official track star in the Nelson Family. She’s been running for years now.
Erin & Sverre  (Denver—6 kids). They are doing great. Will (4 years) still calls Christine “Grandpa.” He was looking at some pictures of Rick and Christine on the computer and said to Erin, “I miss Grandpa and Grandpa.”  Will  was also heard bellowing at the top of his lungs to his mother—”You’re a bad guy, you’re a bad guy.” Erin was attempting to give him his (almost) daily bath. Sverre and Erin, along with a few of our other kids, are gearing up to face “teenage parenting.”  For example, Abbey (12 years) was having two of her friends over to her house for the first time and left her mother the following note:  
       Dear Mom. I cleaned the basement this morning. Please don’t have the house any bit            
       messy when we get home. My friends’ names are Sofia (short brown hair) and Katie (the
       other one).  Please have a snack for us. AND keep the house spotless. Then at like 4 pm
       you have to drive us to Petco.
       Thank you—Abby  
       PS. Be in something other than sweat pants.”
Note: Abby is the one who had a unicycle packed in her giant suitcase when she flew from Denver to Salt Lake City to attend a 3-day BYU basketball camp. She needed it for her part in the talent show.
Kristen & Mick (Bountiful, Utah—5 kids). Everybody is busy, to say the least. Mick finished landscaping their three-level backyard, complete with retaining walls. In October, in his “spare” time, he also ran the St. George Marathon. Kristen is usually right with him, but is expecting their 6th child (a GIRL!) in January. Nels  (4 years), while Kristen was parked on our driveway finishing up a telephone conversation, asked “Aren’t you even going in to see your mother??”
Todd & Rachel (Salt Lake-4 Kids). They have been in their current home a year now. They are also proud new owners of a ski boat. Well...actually it’s the 20-year old family boat (affectionately known as “the Barge”). We surprised Todd and Rachel by informing them that they were going to receive a FREE boat! (A person can know with certainty if he is ready to be a boat owner if he can tolerate standing over a toilet, tearing up $100 bills and flushing them away.) They took the boat.  Audrey (6 years), in her prayer,  “Please bless this trip to Red Fish to be worth it.” They are the proud parents of Molly (9 months), the chubbiest, cutest, and smiliest baby ever born into the Nelson Family.

Lauren & Mike (Oceanside, California—2 kids).  A big year. Frances (aka Sissy, Sis, Frankie, Franie, Francie—
you choose) was born in February. So cute, and bald as a  billiard ball. They sold their townhouse in Carlsbad and moved next door to Oceanside, into their first free-standing house. They were forewarned by their neighbors that,
in order to be properly prepared for Trick or Treating, they would  need to buy 10 bags of Costco Halloween candy.
They used all the candy. Lauren is still involved in the project that offers humanitarian care to villagers in Guatemala.
They are also both serving in the Spanish-speaking ward in Oceanside.
Jeff & Rachel. (Denver—2 kids).  It’s a BOY! Jeff and Rachel are the proud new parents of Luke William Nelson, born November 18. After remaining in denial for the better part of the day, Rachel finally decided that she was probably in labor and frantically headed to the hospital. She had the baby 45 minutes later. No one could get there in time to take Miles (18 months), so he joined Jeff and Rachel in the labor/delivery room. After he had pushed every button in the room a thousand times, a nurse finally took pity on them and took Miles to hang out in the nurses’ station until help arrived.
Jeff finished his MBA at UCLA in April. They moved to Denver, where Jeff went to work for the Vail Corporation. The job came with a free ski passes (unfortunately, not for his parents). Due to some bad planning by Park City’s previous owners, Vail is now the proud new owner of the Park City Ski Resort. We think Jeff applied for the ski patrol, but ended up in an office job. They are building their first home, which will be completed early next year.
Scott and Mandy (Houston—2 kids). Scott and Mandy still live in Texas, which is nice for them since Mandy’s parents live close by. Scott still works for Ernst and Young. Mandy keeps busy with Annie and Owen, while helping her sister with  her children. Outside of work, Scott spends hours each week mowing their gigantic Texas lawn. Mandy made him break down and buy himself a gently-used mower so he doesn’t have to keep borrowing one every week from her parents. In church, Scott was asked to help in the nursery with the 2 and 3 year olds—his favorite church responsibility ever.
Auto Update
Neighborhood Incident. Another classic Nelsons vs. the neighborhood event. Todd, parked at the top of our cul-de-sac, backed their van into Sarah’s BRAND NEW Acura. The bump sent it rolling down the cul-de-sac. It took out our neighbor’s large brick mailbox and rolled onto the next neighbor’s  front yard, missing one of their cars by millimeters. Happily, it stopped before hitting their prize tree (again). See Newsletter 2002. This incident happened one day after Mick backed into Todd’s car in the exact same spot. This makes the fifth Nelson car launched down our cul-de-sac. Interestingly, the house directly below us has never been hit.
Mystery dents-–Some mystery dents in a few cars ($1,000 worth) but nothing out of the ordinary. Larry, our auto body consultant (not to be confused with Larry, our former dog) just keeps smiling and pounding them out.
Tickets. While they still lived in L.A., Jeff decided to save some money by leaving his car out on the street overnight in the rain for a free car wash. Unfortunately, it was the day they swept the streets (no parking) which resulted in a ticket and a $75 fine.
Jeff’s previous, record-setting, $550 traffic violation (Nelson Newsletter 2010) was outdone this year by Brooke’s $800 traffic ticket, acquired this summer by speeding through a small village in Germany.
Forever Done. We thought our Auto Report might be finished—maybe forever. All the kids have left home. But no. Not over yet. Brooke just called from Minnesota, saying that she just decided to get some new snow tires--said she just got “hit.” We didn’t ask any questions. 
At this Christmas season we reflect on our many blessings. Above all, we love the Savior and are grateful for His birth and His atoning sacrifice. We are also so very grateful for the opportunity we have to have all of our NYNY South missionaries in our lives—so grateful for your goodness and for the opportunity we had of working with and coming to deeply love you. We treasure the love that we share and wish you the best Christmas ever this year.
Love Pres. & Sister Nelson

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